
Audrey turns 3.

My girl, you are 3. How did it happen? Sitting down to write this post, the flood of emotions hit me as I think about your little life. In the grand scheme of your entire life 3 years are short, but as a Mommy it feels like yesterday your journey just began. This year brought a lot of change, you became a big sister, you said bye bye to your paci, you were potty trained, and now you sleep in a big girl bed. With every change that has come, you have adapted so well and embraced it all. Not a moment of jealousy, no looking back and a joy filled heart that runs straight ahead. As your Mom, walking alongside you, teaching you, loving on you, enjoying you, and playing together, you have brought me so much joy. You make me laugh in a special way that no one else does, you are so perceptive and aware of other people's feelings and needs, and you remember every detail (even when I often forget). Not to mention your love for all forms of song and dance that keeps the fun going throughout the day. Can we always have Call me Maybe dance parties in the kitchen while I make dinner? 

There have been hard days and you have been there to brighten them, to love without condition, and to give the best hugs. My girl, you are adored, cherished, and loved by so many. Your little life has changed us. All in ways I could have only dreamed. 

We love you my darling girl. There is no one like you in the whole wide world. And we can't thank God enough for you. Happy 3 years of life. 

(pc: I'm Kristen, aka the best Titi in the whole world)

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