
a baby girl update.

This week wasn't one you can really plan for. Anticipation of Valentine's and a low key night at home we what we hoped for in terms of celebrating that holiday and the daily routines of our week were expected to roll along. On Monday night (while Seth was out) I started having some strong and consistent contractions that continued into the evening. Thinking I had overdone it, I woke up on Tuesday morning, with more of the same. After a few calls to the midwives office and finally getting an answer, they sent me to L&D to make sure everything was ok and to try and get the contractions under control. Drinking water and staying off my feet didn't seem to be enough.

Becca was seriously the hero of Tuesday. Picking me up, taking care of A and Behr that morning (I feel like I made her an overnight mother of two), and waiting in the waiting room for the results. The good news is everything is good with baby sister, there are no signs of infection,  and it seems my body just doesn't like the end of the third trimester.

Two bags of fluids, one shot of terbeutaline, and 8 hours later we were finally home. And it felt so good. Just to be in my own bed, to not have to stay in a hospital, and to have our family together. Albeit, our life has been significantly modified. I was optimistic when they got the contractions to stop I would be free as a bird to go on my way, but I've spent the last week on total bed rest and will be into the next few weeks.

It's been a change to our somewhat "busy" life. I feel like someone literally just hit the brakes, but I'm sitting in the car wanting it to move. Quiet, simple, and slow are not words I would use to describe our life, but for the good of this little one, I'll take it. A has been so well cared for and we have received help from many sides. She has spent many mornings with Becca, "Dre Dre", Behr and "Titi." And I am so glad she has come to love their house as a home away from home and Mommy. Seth's Aunt Cindy and cousins came Friday and she saved the day changing the sheets on my bed, getting us caught up on laundry, running errands and watching A. We have been very blessed.

Seth and A have been my heroes. Doing laundry, changing diapers, dishes, trash, vacuuming, feeding, and the list could go on. I don't know what I would do without him. A has had to adjust to a lot in a short amount of time and all things considered, she has been a gem. She survived hospital day with no nap, being shuffled from house to house, and has embraced this time with amazing grace for a 2 year old. She keeps telling me "doctor make Mommy alllllll better." She has been a very bright spot in this time.

Target trip with Titi. She has been asking me to ride in the infant seat every time she sees it, but I kept telling her it was for baby sister. She knew that this trip was special and how can a Titi say no to that?

Waiting room fun with her favorite little buddy, Behr. These two are really the sweetest together and they are both def my favorites. Things like this cheer me up so much. 

Finally getting to come visit Mommy with Daddy. She was very interested in all the wires and wanted to drink all my juice.  

Waiting for Dre Dre in the morning. On this particular morning it was very important to her that she have her backpack loaded with everything a little 2 year old could possibly want.

Here we are at 33w 4 d and we wait, knowing the God who made this sweet girl knows her birthdate and planned it before he laid the foundations of the earth. Truly, we can't wait to meet her and we pray she wants to hang out for a little while longer before she makes her appearance.

Many thanks to all who have prayed for us, texted, emailed, called, brought us meals, and cared for our girl. We cannot thank you enough.


Bethany said...

Janet, thanks for the update; I had no idea about the contractions or hospital stay. Bed rest is extremely difficult so I will be praying for you and your sweet family. Love from Michigan.

mieke said...

Praying for you! Three years ago today, I was also on bedrest at 33w 4d--but in the hospital. My perfectly healthy baby came at 35w, came right home with me. "Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isa. 41:10)

Will and Sena said...

Hey Janet, I'm so sorry to hear about your Valentines Day! I've had to be on bed rest with my last three, and I can very much relate to the struggles it brings. Watching someone else care for your girl and your home is not always easy. I will be praying for you! But I also can relate to how amazing it is to see God's love and care through the people He puts in our lives for just a time as this. I'll be praying you feel His love these next weeks!

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