
5 years.

On Saturday, we celebrated 5 years of marriage. And its been a wonderful 5. I can't wait til 10, 15, and beyond. 

In 5 years we've bought a house and a new car (and almost 2 now), a 2 year old in tow, and another baby girl on the way. So many more milestones have been reached and as I think about 5 years, I can't help but feel we've just begun. 

Seth, I love you more than words can even say. You are the best man for me and I'm so glad you asked me to be yours. There isn't a day that passes that I don't thank God that he gave you to me. We've come a long way. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love all the beautiful pics of you,Seth & Audrey! Love, love, love all of you!

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