
More in Love than Ever

This month we celebrate:

7 Months of Marriage

1 Year since our Engagement

and the joining of these two lives:

The New Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Winn!

We are incredibly blessed to call them friends and our rejoicing for them has only grown as we are so excited for all that God has for them in their married life together. Their wedding day was such a neat time to reflect on God's faithfulness in bringing them together and it was so special to see how he has prepared them for each other. We also had the privelage of standing beside them as they joined their lives together. Having my hubby as my escort was so much fun too!

Hopefully there will be more pictures in coming posts. Our internet at home is super slow (when it decides to function) and uploading a single picture takes 5 min.

As a sidenote, I loved taking pictures at their wedding. I am not thinking I have a future career here, but it was a lot of fun and I was pretty happy with the end product. And it made me more grateful for my sweet boy who blessed me with a new camera (he knows how much I love taking pictures).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled onto your blog from someone else's blog. If all these are your pics, I would say you could have a future in photography.

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