
a week of instagrams.

there are some things in life you say you will never do. number one, that usually isn't a good idea to say "never". number two, sometimes you just have to learn and realize there is good in some things and try it out. I've enjoyed it so far and its been a fun way to document all the goings on in our past week. if you follow me on instagram, sorry for the duplicates. 

this pretty much sums up our past week. friends for dinner, weekends with daddy, games for memorial day, freshly cut grass, cleaning house, holding babies, and celebrating our nana's birthday at the pool.

and lastly for a good laugh. here is our girl in her true glory with oven mitts on.


megan said...

that 3rd pic is so super cute!

kendra said...

the video is my 2nd favorite...after the shopping one.

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