


so because jenny + jamison have such amazing taste. 

and because pinterest is an amazing way to connect people who have never met

our little blog and a few pictures I took was featured over on love the day

you should go check it out. 

and in our weekend, if it were not for these shoes, me waking up at 7am this morning would have been all for nothing. 
the baby bazaar was a huge let down this year, but scoring some sweet pink baby chucks did lessen the blow. 

thankfully the rest of the day was productive, I was able to help a good friend make some curtains and sew some pillows. 

thankfully, the weekend isn't over yet. fleet foxes with friends is tomorrow night and I cannot wait. 


  1. Cute shoes! I bought ... nuthin'...hard to believe. Oh and speaking of curtains and pillows....I have fabric for my bedroom and a need big time inspiration if you have some time!

  2. popular.
    i wish i had come to fleet foxes. you should have twisted my arm.
