

one year of Edith.

What a year with this girl we've had, its been hard to put all my thoughts, feelings and emotions into words. My heart was so full as we celebrated her first birthday, there was such a deep gratefulness in my heart for her little life. There are so many moments when I don't know what I would have done without her this past year. She has been a joy, truly, when we needed it most, and continues to be. Snuggling her, caring for her, and having those sweet cheeks to kiss have provided me with countless distractions from life and all of its cares.

We picked the name Edith for its meaning, prosperous in war or warrior for the good. I feel like having her has taught me those truths in some profound ways and for that I am so grateful.

Edy girl, you are your Mommy's joy, a true heaven sent gift, and the perfect addition to our family. We love you and can't thank God enough for your life.

And in case you missed the pictures from her darling first birthday celebration, our lovely friend, Lydia, documented them here.

Edith's First from Janet Remsnyder on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I won't comment on all your blog post, but I gotta say Seth has some lovely ladies in his life! Love the song and pictures of Edith's first year.
