

A Day in the Life

The more people I talk to the more I realize that social media makes our lives look more exciting, special, and sometimes easier than they actually are. And it inspired me to add a hash tag (#reallife) on my Instagram for those moments when I want to celebrate the ordinary and embrace the reality of this season I am in as a Mom to my two precious girls. Is it fun, absolutely, is it easy, no, but the moments I find the most joy in are the simple ones that are typical uncaptured and in some ways are ordinary but amazing nonetheless. So here's a bit of real and a look into our lives.

8am I hear the pitter patter of a 3 year olds feet on the stairs, starting off the morning by breaking the rule of not coming out (except for a potty trip) of her room. She wakes up her sister. Normally I could roll but last night Audrey had a potty accident at 2am and Edy had a fluke feeding at 5:15am. Seth saves the day, feeds the girls breakfast, I squeeze in a much needed 40 more minutes of sleep, throw on some pajama pants, unbrushed teeth, and head down the stairs to fed babies, I throw a stray piece of banana chocolate chip bread in my mouth. Breakfast. Check.

Audrey grabs up a pair of boots and her puffy coat (you know cause its 65 degrees outside, you gotta be prepared) in her arms and takes off for the front door only to stop on the front step to sing a few T Swift tunes while I change a massively poopy diaper. Nap time rolls around for Edy, she goes down, I take a much needed shower, Audrey watches the iPad, I finally catch up on a few emails, work on vacation plans, and before you know it Edy's up. From here, its lunch, more playing, face-timing with Aly, snuggles on Mommy and Daddy's bad, an epic tantrum from Audrey because she wanted to see her picture right away (what day would be complete without one if you have a 3 year old), and then afternoon naps.

The sounds of wind and rain kept the girls afternoon naps shorter than usual, I got a little girl dressed and ready for dance and managed to get the girls to the car relatively unsoaked. I didn't escape the pouring rain and my whole back half ended up getting drenched. Nothing the seat heaters cant take care of. Excellent. We make it to dance class on time, which in and of itself is a small miracle. Edy and I run to the store where she charms all the people shopping with her sweet smile and incredible ability to turn around and completely escape from being belted in. Finish up, check out relatively simply, and pick up A from dance class. Come home, make the most gourmet dinner I could think of, hot dogs and french fries. Get the girls to bed mostly easily and that was the day.

And what do I do? Crash. And pin clothes for my girls they probably won't wear unless they go on sale for 50% off. But for some reason its relaxing and even if I'm not with them, I never stop thinking about them.

Why do I share this? Because for Mom's these are our "average" days (and for me I am partially rejoicing because nothing happened today involving my make up, a box of cheerios, a toilet seat, or a power cord) and in many ways they are the ones who deserve the well done for their faithful day in day out investment of washing dishes, changing diapers, sounding out words, making non-gourmet dinners, running carpool, wiping noses, and the list could go on. I wouldn't trade anything in the whole world for it and in many ways I don't want my life to look "cooler" than it actually is. I want to be grateful for what I have and just enjoy it: my kids, their laughs, faces, moods, tantrums, all of it. This is real life people and its good. So good.

So to all the Mommy's who are just doing what Mommy's do: you rock. Keep doing it. You are the best Mommy to your littles and they are blessed to have you. Never forget it. It may not be glamourous and you may have given up a lot for it, but rejoice in it because there is so much good to be had in the ordinary. And ultimately, when your kids look back on their lives they will never forget all the moments you were there and what you invested into their lives day after day after day.


  1. Thank you for writing this! You made my day. Love you, Janet.

  2. So good and so true, Jan. wouldn't trade it for the world. Though I have yet to experience tantrums :)

  3. love you guys. love the real. :-)

  4. Thanks Janners! So encouraging. :) Love ya!

  5. i appreciate this so much! i too fall into the trap of social media and how everyone elses life looks more glamorous than mine, but its a flat out lie.. love that you wrote this. miss you friend! love, jmo
