

a wedding weekend.

this was probably one of the most memorable weddings I have ever been to. the decorations were lovely and handmade. the food was the best I'd had at a wedding. the bride, jenny, was one of the most beautiful I have seen. the groom's toast was the funniest I have ever heard (I only wish I had recorded it). the weather was incredible, ranging from pouring rain to clouds, to a break in the rain, to a getaway at the end that was the biggest downpour I have ever been in. lets just say all the guests got soaked and ran screaming back to the tent to try and stay dry once we said farewell to our friends.

it was a great time to celebrate the faithfulness of God in bringing jenny and jamison together. we love you two very much and can't wait to see all that God has for you in the years to come.


  1. this looks SOOO fun! and seriously, you & your hubby are way too cute. like WAY, WAY TOO, TOO cute. :)

  2. dang... we would have been the hottness on that dance floor.

  3. Darling! I found this cute spread on pinterest. I would love to feature on my blog! Please let me know if that would interest you.

  4. Wonderful photographs!! The wedding seems to turn out best as everyone seems enjoying. Your lovely pictures reminded me of my sister’s wedding at one of San Francisco wedding venues where we all did amazing preparations. That we imbibed from one blog. Everyone liked the party and appreciated all arrangements.
