

all girl.

A's recent interests seem to have a lot to do with purses, shoes, accessories, babies, and really anything super girly. while we were in harrisburg celebrating easter with family, audrey was able to find new interests to explore. her expanding vocabulary is now including these things with her saying: "baby", "shoes", "eyes", "mouth", "ears", and "nose." it has been a fun age to watch her figure out her world more and the way it works. 

more easter pictures to come, I broke them up in sections, there were just too many to choose from.


  1. Too cute! I love how she is feeding the baby!!

  2. Aw, the one where she's feeding her babydoll is so sweet. Walker and I miss hanging out - it's been a while!

  3. Hi Janet! :) I found your blog through Becca..I'm good friends with Cynthia. I am loving your blog and seeing the pics of your little girl--she is just precious! I would love for you to check my blog out if you have the time:

    Have a wonderful week!
